

Ticks are out and active this time of year and they are more likely to bite people who spend time in tall grass near bushes or under trees. Some ticks may carry the organisms that cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Lyme disease. Fortunately, Lyme disease is not...
Summer Sun Exposure

Summer Sun Exposure

Now that warmer weather is here, we’d like to remind all parents about the risks of too much sun. The highest risk of overexposure to the sun is from about 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. Use hats, light clothing, staying in the shade and especially sunscreen as methods to...
Poor Eating Habits

Poor Eating Habits

Did you know that poor eating habits in childhood can lead to heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis and other health problems later in life? Parents can improve their children’s diets by serving them skim milk instead of whole milk after age 1. Sweetened beverages...